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On the way to Port Said (30th June 2017)

- This article was first published in the AQABA Research Cruise Blog -

Part of the crew was exchanged in Valetta, which we left on Wednesday night – not without having taken some group pictures!

AQABA scientists (Photo: S. Dörner)

Scientists and ship crew united on the front deck of Kommandor Iona. (Photo: S. Dörner)

Leaving the port of Valletta

The Kommandor Iona puts to sea again!

After Malta, we experienced higher waves than before, which was especially uncomfortable for the new arrivals on board who were not yet adapted to ship movement. The swaying even seems to disturb some of the instruments, such as a gas chromatograph with flame detector (the flame rocking back and forth…). Other issues might arise from dirty ship exhaust: In the morning after we had left Malta, we found a layer of a brown oily substance deposited on the inlet tubes of several devices.

Now the water is quite smooth again; the sky has been cloudless every day so far, and we had another barbecue this afternoon. This time, it was a very musical evening: There were more instruments on board than anyone could have expected, and we saw performances on the guitar, the viola, and the harmonica. Moreover, the Filipino crew provided a karaoke set which awoke the singing voices of many scientists and crew members alike.

Barbecue time! (Photo: S. Dörner)

Music performances in the light of the setting sun (S. Dörner)

Singing scientists! (Photo: S. Dörner)

(Photo: S. Dörner)



Forschungszentrum Jülich

Institute for Climate and Energy Systems 3: Troposphere

Building 05.2

52425 Jülich


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